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crew scheduling中文是什么意思

用"crew scheduling"造句"crew scheduling"怎么读"crew scheduling" in a sentence


  • 机组的排班
  • 人员排程


  • Optimization of crew scheduling for urban rail transportation based on time costs
  • This thesis presents a modal for the crew scheduling based on the multi - agent technology , an advanced a . i
  • But in most of domestic airlines , the process of crew scheduling is still on the stage of the manual level or depends on oversea ’ s system
  • Crew scheduling is a complex , large - scale and continual work , characterized of multivariable , close coupling and multi - objectives and so on
  • One . first , the characterization of the crew scheduling is analysied , especially the realization technology of crew pairing in this process
    论文首先分析了机组排班的基本过程,着重研究了机组配对( crewpairing )算法的实现技术。
  • The essential point of crew management is the crew scheduling . it mainly contains two sub - problems , namely the crew pairing problem and the crew assignment problem
  • Therefore , that how to increase the computer application in the process of crew scheduling comes to be an important job of demestic airline to enhance competition and to control cost
  • Current practice and new methods for data collection and analysis , performance monitoring , route design , frequency determination , and vehicle and crew scheduling are also discussed
  • Current practice and new methods for data collection and analysis , performance monitoring , route design , frequency determination , and vehicle and crew scheduling are also discussed
  • Analyzing the rules and features of the crew scheduling problem in china with emphasis on the experience and measures in manual shift arrangement of civil airlines , consequently proposing the model and methods for automatic scheduling problem ; 2 . fulfilling the automatic generation of crew task through algorithm simulation based on the current flight information and shift arrangement rules of hainan airlines ; 3 . comparing the simulating result to the practical manual result and testifying the method ’ s feasibility and validity
用"crew scheduling"造句  


Crew scheduling is the process of assigning crews to operate transportation systems, such as rail lines or aircraft.
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